Sourcing Water...

When we stayed at reserves we always got out our trusty portable shower rose and pump connected to a 12 Volt supply, and filled a bucket of creek/river water and used this for showering.   We heated it up with an old saucepan of course.   This certainly saved our tank water and we had more in reserve for longer stays.

Most cemetery’s have a mains water tap that you can access for fresh water, so do not forget your tap connectors.  You may even need to purchase and keep a universal T-Line Tap Connector, if there is no tap on the top of the pipe.
We found some regional parks had water taps and some are not allowing access to the precious commodity.

It is good to get a good water purifier so that you know what you are drinking is not going to be harmful to your system.Shower Battery Pack

When you stop to get your fuel at service stations, also fill your water tanks and storage containers as well, we found most were obliging.  Bear in mind if you are heading to a caravan park for the night, this would not be necessary as the extra weight will only add to your fuel costs.




The best source of water is undoubtedly straight from the sky. The best solution for your awnings on your rig is the Rain Saver Gutter, have one of these on hand and you are sure to collect water whenever precipitation persists check it out here.    


Water Storage

You can never have enough water.  We found that when off the beaten track, even with two holdings tanks underneath our caravan it was not enough.
We all know that you can get your regular 20ltr plastic drums for additional water storage, but where do you put them if you are tight for space.
With our kids, toys and schooling boxes, we were very limited, so we connected a 20ltr storage pipe onto the back of our caravan.  It was basically made with plumbing water pipe, a tap and spout entry.
The wonderful thing about 4WD Accessories today is that you can also have a water storage tank fitted in your vehicle as well.  This can be a lifesaver.   
Through the centre, good quality drinking water can be hard to come by.  So ensure that you keep drinking water on hand, for when you want a drink, cup of coffee or tea and for cooking.D’s.

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